- Macos Catalina Install Cocoa Pods Free
- Macos Catalina Install Cocoa Pods For Sale
- Macos Catalina Install Cocoa Pods Reviews
- Thank you for writing this write up! I was trying to install CocoaPods on a new Mac running macOS Catalina and did not want to use sudo as well. I also noticed zsh on Catalina, which I’m not too familiar with, but wanted to try out since it’s replacing bash. Your write up was very helpful! I did notice once small typo.
- Sudo gem install cocoapods -n /usr/local/bin でパスを指定してCocoaPodsを再インストールして正常に動くようになりました。 参考: XcodeMac OS Catalinaにアップデートしたらpodコマンドが通らなくなった.
Macos Catalina Install Cocoa Pods Free
CocoaPods is already installed on your server
Installing CocoaPods. If you are installing on macOS 10.9.0-10.9.2, you may run into an issue when RubyGems tries to install the json gem. To fix this follow these instructions. After upgrading from macOS 10.8 to 10.9 the installed CocoaPods gem doesn’t work anymore, even after re-installing the gem.
CocoaPods is already installed on Managed and Pay-As-You-Go servers. There is no need to try and install it.
You can verify by entering 'pod --version' into Terminal (Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal) without quotations. This will show you the version of CocoaPods that is installed on your server.
Contact us if you need CocoaPods updated
Macos Catalina Install Cocoa Pods For Sale
Macos Catalina Install Cocoa Pods Reviews
If you require CocoaPods to be updated, please contact our support staff and specify the version number you would like to have it updated to.